For inquiries please contact gallery director: Duane Reed duane@duanereedgallery.com

September 7 — October 14CrystalMorey_New Symbiosis-Brown Bear with New Growth_04 - 1

Duane Reed Gallery invites you to CeramATTACK II, a ceramic invitational exhibition that boasts trending innovations in contemporary ceramics.

With motivations beyond pure form and function, the selected artists fuse contemporary aesthetics with a traditional art form. The clay bodies act more as canvases for further creative exploration through a multidisciplinary approach. Included in this exhibition is a diverse and eclectic group of top tier talent, with each artist offering their unique voice and vision to the collective history of ceramics. The manifestations of this creative vision expresses itself in many ways; whether it is the photographic ceramic hybrid masterpieces of Peter Olson, or the sensual and stoic figures of Crystal Morey whose level of technical mastery is unparalleled.

Challenging the traditional and established view of ceramics, the second installment of CeramATTACK offers a collection of works that allow the viewer to explore both narrative and form in a myriad of imaginative and unconventional approaches that both provoke and inspire

Featuring sculptures by: Crystal Morey – Arny Nadler – Peter Olson – Kyungmin Park – Zemer Peled – Chris Riccardo – Cheryl Ann ThomasCrystalMorey_Ceramattack_NewSymbiosis-CrowwithNewGrowth_01 - 1